My Shotglass Playlist Page

Welcome to MY SHOTGLASS PLAYLIST! This is a page for ALL SHOTGLASS MEMBERS to POST THEIR song playlist for all things LOST!

Ever hear a song and think "That describes JATE PERFECTLY!" ? Do you know a song that has lyrics that describe the island? How about a song that describes BEN like no other?

I have a few songs that I thought were PERFECT for LOST and some of it's characters and plots! So I thought it would be a GREAT page for us to post our PLAYLISTS and share our favorite music!

EMAIL us with your playlist!

You will need to include the following:

-Name of the song


-WHO/WHAT the song describes

*Numbering your playlist will greatly help!*


Email your PLAYLIST to





Friday, April 18, 2008

Amy's playlist Pt 2

1) Evanescence's "Imaginary" - For Hurley's Santa Rosa days (ironically, it even mentions the weird, electromagnetic "purple skies").

2) Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" - Poor Charlie's song for Claire before he kicked the bucket (he went from one addiction to another!)

3) Sergio Mendes's "Never Gonna Let You Go" - Ben's song for Juliet... LOL!!

4) Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth" - a song for our Losties' current situation on the island.

5) Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" - An obvious one for Miles Straum.

6) The Rocky Horror Picture Show's "Time Warp" - another obvious one, this time for Desmond :)

7) Alison Krauss' "Everytime You Say Goodbye" - for Harper Stanhope... but basically any Alison Krauss song would work - those two look just alike to me!!

8) REM's "Everybody Hurts" - for Jack's & Michael's suicidal moments off the island.

9) Screamin' Jay Hawkins' "I Put A Spell On You" - another romantic tune for Ben & Juliet ;)

10) Bobby Darin's "Beyond the Sea" - for Desmond.

11) Muppet Treasure Island's "Cabin Fever" - for the folks stuck on the Freighter (sorry, this one kept popping up in my brain - I've worked w/ kids too long... seen too many kiddy films!)

12) Babyface's "When Can I See You Again" - Jack's song to the Island...

13) Gary Allan's "Watching Airplanes" - Another Jack song for the Island...

14) Foo Fighters' "Learn to Fly" - Yet another one for Jack & the Island!

15) "Daddy Wasn't There" (from Austin Powers in Goldmember soundtrack)- for pretty much everybody on the Island! :D

16) Christina Aguilera's "Ain't No Other Man" - My personal song to JACK!!! ;)

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